Common Incidences of Personal Injury on Boats and Ships

Theodore H. Friedman is a New York-based lawyer with more than 35 years of experience. He is particularly focused in personal injury law. Here, Mr. Friedman provides expertise from his first job after graduation from law school, where he worked with injured seamen following injuries aboard ships.


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Trans Ocean Ships

Ships and boats are not only recreational vehicles, they are also places where people are employed, a method of accommodation, and a transportation vehicle. In these contexts, boat owners or employers risk receiving claims for compensation following personal injury on board.

The most common boating accidents involve water and movement. Slipping, tripping, and falling cases are seen regularly, as well as injury from the movement of an unsecured object, exposure to asbestos, and food poisoning. Assault by other passengers or employees on board is also a common cause of claims. Additionally, professional seamen are exposed to noise and other dangerous working conditions, some of which may lead to a personal injury suit.

Claims for compensation are time limited, which may vary according to where the incident occurred. The specific rules applying to vessels outside their registered territory, and the rules regarding cases occurring in international waters, complicate the application process. Consultation with a specialized, experienced lawyer is recommended prior to filing a personal injury action.

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